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Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.


More Opportunities to Score Coveted Points and Bring a Small Amount of Excitement into Your Life

In order to guarantee the perpetuation of this site, I have added a new feature: referrals. When a user goes to sign up, there is a box to type in the name of the user that referred them here. That referring user will be the happy recipient of 500 points.

Existing members can go into their settings and enter in a referrer as well. You can only do this once so don't screw around! In your settings you will also find a referral link that you can give people so they don't even need to go through the trouble of typing in your name.

I will know if anybody abuses this system to get themselves more points. Abusers will be punished swiftly and with no trace of mercy. Everybody, even your closest friends and relatives, will know you as the guy who cheated to get Internet Points on a site where people are just trying to have fun.

Also, check out the FAQ to find out how you can insert album links and user links into your forum posts! It's not even that hard!

Guests are No Longer Second-Class Citizens

Actually, they still are, but life is looking up for these unenlightened visitors! Guests can now guess albums; however, they will not get any points (obviously) and the site will not keep track of their guesses. Also, again obviously, guest users don't get told what the right answer was if they got it wrong.

That's not too exciting for registered users, but maybe this will brighten your dreary, beshadowed existence: in the left-hand menu, there is a new entry: Difficult Albums! You can now see which albums have gone the longest without being guessed. At the moment you don't get any glory for guessing one of these albums, unless you want to brag on the forum (bragging is strongly encouraged).

Finally, wording on the site regarding nudity has been reworded. Explicit nudity is strictly banned, but the abstract nudity that people have been drawing so far is allowed. If my web host ever complains, this rule may change swiftly and without warning.

Admin Loves You All

And as a testament to the love you and I share, I have added a few new things to the site.

1. When you view an album, there is a little box containing some random albums below the art. I'm going to be monitoring server performance to see if doing this negatively impacts load times more than I want (getting random albums out of the database is an expensive process). If it's causing problems, it might have to go away.

2. You can now specify how many albums appear on a page. Go over to your settings page to try it out.

As always, bug reports go in the forum.

New Feature! Hurray!

You can now go to your settings page and specify whether or not you want to see albums you've already guessed when browsing new/popular/random albums. This should make it easier to find albums to guess, since you won't have to wade through a bunch that you've already attempted.

It may be necessary to log out and log back in for the change to properly take effect. Please post in the forum if you run into issues.

Scoring Changes

Hello all my wonderful friends!

I have instituted a change in the scoring of guesses. Instead of 100 points for every guess, the value of an album now goes down by one for every successful guess on an album, to a minimum of fifty. The idea is to encourage members to be more active (by getting first crack at new albums) and to guess lesser-known albums.

Drawing an album is still worth 100 points.

As this site is still in beta, there may be further tweaks down the road, or I may go back to how it was before. This change will not be applied retroactively, so everybody who guessed easy albums will retain their 100 points for that guess. Check out the forum to give me more feedback.

Bug Fixes

Thanks to all users who have taken part so far in my CIA-backed album cover revolution. A few bug fixes:

-Guesses should no longer be marked as incorrect just for one or two minor typos. This has the added benefit of me not having to read so many dang cuss words when taking care of appeals.

-The "correct guesses" total on albums should accurately reflect the real total now.

A New Glorious Dawn

Future historians will look back on this day as Day One of a new era, an era where music fans from around the world drew amateur representations of their favorite album covers.