Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.
Not a Beta Anymore
I removed the "beta" from the title of the site because, realistically, the site has been in its final form for some time now. Actually I don't know why I put it there in the first place. Probably to make me feel better if the entire concept was a total flop. "It was just in beta! Haha...yeah who cares..."
Also, as promised, leaderboard archives are available now by clicking the cool "leader archives" button on the front page underneath the daily/weekly/monthly leaders. Wow! Cool! Neat!Posted on 4/29/2016 by Admin
New Leaderboards
I have added weekly leaderboards to the front page. Since you had to look at them before you looked at this I don't even know why I'm explaining it to you.
Monthly leaderboards will arrive shortly.
There will also be leaderboard archives so you can go back and see who was kicking ass the first week the site was live. It definitely wasn't me because I don't even get to guess albums (because I see all the answers).Posted on 4/18/2016 by Admin
Bow to Mark Zuckerberg and Weep
There are now Facebook share buttons on album pages. It would be cool if somebody tried them out. Sharing to other services might come in the future. Mark Zuckerberg owns us all.Posted on 12/12/2015 by Admin
Happy One-Year Anniversary! Albums are Now Worth 250 Points!
One year ago this very day, a new era dawned upon mankind, an era where music fans from all around the internet could gather to draw crappy versions of their favorite album covers.
On this most sacred of days, the point value of drawing an album has permanently gone up from 100 to 250. All users who drew albums before this change have been awarded points to make up the difference. Including me! Thus, today's leaderboards are somewhat strange looking.
I would like to take this time to thank all users who have participated in my CIA-backed album cover revolution. Without your support, Guess That Album would just be one lonely guy (me) drawing albums by himself.Posted on 11/22/2015 by Admin
Mock Your Fellow Man
After a number of people clamored for this feature, you can now see the wrong guesses that people submitted for your albums and ONLY your albums.
You may notice that some wrong guesses were actually correct. Since it is the guesser's responsibility to appeal guesses that were erroneously marked as incorrect, you can do nothing about this other than relish the sensation of sympathy seeping out of your pores.
You may also notice that a lot of the wrong guesses are just gibberish. It's your fault for drawing an album cover so compelling that other users were willing to sacrifice their correct/incorrect ratio in order to find out what it was. I bet you feel really good right now.
Posted on 10/24/2015 by Admin
Notifications (of Your Impending Death)
I have made some changes to the notification system. You can now view notifications sorted by category! This will make it easy to see people who favorited your albums without having to sort through the hundreds of notifications from users who guessed that really easy album you drew and now regret drawing.
Accompanying this change is a new button that says "Mark these notifications as read." If you don't click it, your notifications will keep piling up until you die and even then they won't stop.
I have also granted you the ability to view more notifications than simply the 25 most recent ones. However, the well of memory is deep and it would be prudent not to fall in.
If something's not working right or you just think it all really sucks, tell me in the forum.Posted on 7/27/2015 by Admin
We are All Friends of Mark Zuckerberg
I have created a Facebook page for Guess That Album. There is an icon for it at the bottom of the page. Go forth and like it!Posted on 3/14/2015 by Admin
Daily Leaders
On the front page, there are some little boxes which hold yesterday's and today's top ten leaders in points. If you're reading this you probably already saw them.
I would like to go back and calculate the daily leaders for each day since GTA's inception, however, that has not happened yet. For now, you just get to see the current day and the day before.
Tell me in the forum if you think this idea sucks!Posted on 3/8/2015 by Admin
File Type Changes
So this is sort of embarrassing to admit, but this whole time I thought I was saving drawn albums to the server as JPGs when they were actually being saved as PNGs; all I was doing was putting ".jpg" at the end. I have changed this so now files are just being named ".png" anyway, since PNG is the master race image format.
To match this change, albums uploaded through the upload form now need to be in PNG format. JPG's will not be accepted. I have also bumped the file size limit up to 200kb so you don't have to compress your drawings unnecessarily.
This whole situation will be very funny to look back on when I sell my site to Zynga for millions upon millions of dollars.Posted on 1/25/2015 by Admin
For When You Know That You Know an Album
There is a new icon for logged-in users when they view an album, next to the "favorite" star. A clock! What does the clicking the clock do? It puts the album in your list of albums to be guessed later. Now you can keep track of the albums that you're pretty sure you recognize but you can't quite come up with at this very moment.
Also, the rules for the site have been amended to disallow ambiguous or un-guessable albums. This includes all-black or all-white album covers.Posted on 12/21/2014 by Admin