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Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.


Other suggestions

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  • Thank you admin for listening to my suggestion!

  • For a site who's most commonly drawn album cover is a penis, it would seem that the "no nudity" rule is invalidated. I think that the rule should either be removed or enforced.

  • @wetwilly The spirit of the rule when I wrote it was to address "explicit" porn-like nudity (as in, very detailed depictions of a penis). So far, all the nudity on the site has been very abstract. I should rewrite it to be more clear.

  • once you've guessed an album correctly, it might be fun to add a feature that lets you see all the different drawings that correspond to that same album so you can get a laugh or two out of comparing the pictures, possibly

  • I thought of a feature that may come in handy. You know those times where you recognize an album but can't figurr out what it is? Perhaps there could be a queue of sorts that would probably be caller "Guess Later" or something like that. It could work like the favorite system, in that albums can be put in them and they are personal to each user, but once an album was guessed it would leave the list. It would help for those times when something is on the tip of your tongue and don't feel like wading through pages.

  • [Deleted]

  • @Peacock Roy That wouldn't be too hard to add and would probably help out a lot of people. I'll think about it.

  • Speaking of duplicate albums, I think it would be helpful to be able to hide the duplicates of entries that you've already guessed correctly before. It's kind of annoying to have the lists clogged up with albums that you've already guessed but can't hide

  • Or albums that you've previously guessed that people continue to draw, you cannot guess them a second or third time, can they be hidden after you've gotten the "you've already guessed an album with this name" message?

  • How about an optional hint box with a short character limit in case there's some kind of pedantic little thing that could trip up a guessy person on the edge of the fjord of underserved failure? I'd like to be able to go back and add the hint "Stylized" to something I drew, for instance.

  • I think that I should dos this website's ip

  • I hate to sound like a prude, but I feel like there should be some kind of NSFW filter for some of the album artwork. It doesn't have to be for everyone, and it doesn't have to be permanently on, but maybe more people would join if there were less dicks everywhere.

  • Blame Death Grips for the amount of dicks

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