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Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.


can't draw albums - "you are not logged in"

  • since today i've been getting this message saying i'm not logged in when i try to submit albums. anyone else getting this?

  • I have something simiar happen to me too,I'm trying to submit a album but its not showing up

  • yeah - i get redirected to a page for an album that has an ID literally saying "undefined"

  • i think something's wrong with the server's databases. every time i try to guess an album it's telling me i'm wrong and that the actual answer is "undefined - undefined"

  • I guessed a album and got it correct but its not giving me the points despite the fact it says that I got it correct

  • same - that undefined album guess just stopped for me but i still can't draw albums. weird

  • I just fixed something on the server side. Can somebody try to draw or guess an album and let me know if it works now?

  • tysm admin! just drew something via upload and it worked. cheers

  • cool

  • Testing. Is this working??


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