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Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.


Album titles and names

  • Okay, so I have generally refused to have albums by collaborative artists (like Sunn O))) and Scott Walker, or something) because I figure it's a pain to write "Sunn O))) & Boris" instead of "Sunn O))) AND Boris" and get it wrong. And if an album uses spacing in weird ways or the artist has an umlaut, I try to clarify that in the image.

    Do I actually have to do this? I guess I could find out myself by guessing albums incorrectly, but I don't want to do that because I currently have a nice correct/incorrect ratio and I happen to be a stickler for that kind of thing, for some reason.

    Also, regarding albums like this one:
    where pretty much everyone got it correct, but because of the way I typed the title, the admin had to fix it every time—is there just nothing I can do about that? It would be nice if you could just type more variants of names from the user side so the album post could accept multiple iterations of the title (say, "F#A#infinity" versus "F# A# ∞"), but I'm guessing that's just a pain from the programming standpoint.

    Maybe it would be nice if there was some kind of general standard, like "the album title field should be what Wikipedia lists it as" or something, because then you could avoid stuff like "Weezer - Weezer" versus "Weezer - Blue Album" or something.

    Then again, maybe this is a whole rant about nothing, since the site generally seems to be running alright anyway, and there is an appeal system after all. Also, it's like 3AM where I live and maybe I'm just being delirious.

  • you can always just appeal

  • It doesn't really matter in the long run because of the appeal process. For some albums, though, it would be helpful to be able to list multiple title variants just so I don't have to deal with all the appeals where people couldn't figure out how to type an infinity symbol or the cross symbol.

    From a programming standpoint, having title variants would add a significant amount of complexity. It wouldn't be impossible though. If I had done it that way from the start I wouldn't even think twice about it.

    I do reiterate on the rules page that users should use the "commonly accepted" title of an album. However, for something like Weezer's Blue Album or that GYBE! album, "commonly accepted" doesn't mean much.


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