Search Artists

Welcome to Guess That Album, the game where you draw artful renditions of your favorite albums and have others guess what they are! Head over to the FAQ to get started.



  • A search engine available to me exclusively that allows me to find albums (on this website) with the artist and/or album name I enter into the search field.
    Also, why wasn't this feature added when I joined Guess That Album?

  • Even I don't have access to that feature, lol. I have to search the database manually if I want to see if an album's been drawn or not.

  • I can't tell if you're a narcissist or an autist falsefloor but I am impressed you're still going after all this time

  • Is there a reason it can't be both?
    >drawing album covers makes me feel oddly calm
    >seeing myself at the top of the leader board arouses me

  • You haven't drawn in over a year


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